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In such golden chance and before going to my speech there is nothing to say but only all praise be to allah almighty. The lord of the world the king of the king and the master of univers who has give us mercy and blessing until we can until we able to meet together in this place.
    Shalawat and salam don’t forget we deliver to our last prophet, Muhammad SAW the best leader we have, the greatman in history who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness from stupidity era to the islamic era  from destruction to the truth.
     Before I continue I don’t forget too to say thank you very much to kind master of ceremony who has give me chance to stand up on this podium.

     Honorable audience respectible jury , my friends I stand up in here I don’t just wan’t to include this competition but I wan’t to give something to you to all in front of me and to all who listen my speech an inspiration. So I want to deliver my speech on the title


  As we knew indonesia is a country who has so many differ culture .spread from sabang until merauke from timor until the island of rote. Indonesia is rich in lenguage culture character , art , music , food , dress until lifestyle.

   But the strange thing is when we are still have many culture many between us instead ignored that culture. In this modern era some people more interest to adopt to imitate foreign culture. From music like pop,rock,reggae,from food dress and other. As a consequense foreign culture begin to infect our culture from city until village. This outside culture influence all sorts of life aspect and this can result in original indonesian culture become changeable.

    Foreign culture give us significant impact. Both positive and negative impact. Change one who so evident from this new culture is life style.

     We can see from artist life. What a glamorous. But actually glamorous life that indicate that artist influenced outside culture. If original life of indonesia they are simple,polite and not show of their wealth.
      Beside that foreign  culture have influence our eat ethics. We knew staple food of indonesia is rice. From breakfast,lunch,until dinner we eat rice. But now that usage that usual begin to changing with bread and milk at breakfast. And also with our eat manner, we often use spoon,fork,and slice to eat ,  so different with our culture who teach us to eat by hand , and eat by hand that is something good I think because that have proven according what doctor

     In mean time there is other negative side from this new culture. Who realy change indonesian image. What is that ? that is how to get dress . example with thank top. Do you know thank top ? thank top in europe and america people wear that when summer came but in indonesia people wear that to show of on the public . get dress like lack cloth like this so demage because this teach us to free genitals let loose and can invite carnal desire. And this so controversial especially for muslim who requires women to wear headscarves.

    Not just that night activity of western who often sitting on cafĂ© , clubhouse, or do activity who just give while pleasure like gamble,drunk,party,and other.this make separate detriment for our nation ,of course from moral aspect. The nation who formerly always take up the evening for rest or do benefit activity like recitation of al-qur’an,discussion,or gathered with family that bigen to forgotten.

   As soon as with western social intercourse who teach us about free sex. So realy realy demage our youth our next generetion. Now there is no line between boy and girl. This one who be casual factor future of indonesia become changeable. Because future of this nastion there is in youth shoulder.

   Why,why it could happen ? because people of indonesia think foreign culture is something good and reasonable to imitate. Like eat style,dress style,mindset,ideology,social intercourse and others. But actually if we more pay close attention to the foreign culture that many teach us about wasteful and carnality.

    But in this life where there is day there is nigth where there is sea there is land and of course in everything where there is bad there is kind.foreign culture have any kindness who reasonable to imitate by us. Example with on time

    Our nation have a bad habits. What habits? That is rubber time or not on time. So different with western if they get invitation from someone they will come on time even they will come before schedule bigen.

    Not just that, there is other kindness from this new culture.that is eat together with family. As we knew activitys in europe,america,japan so busy but they still used the time to eat together with family. As soon as with tecnology and science who so highly advanced. And this we can imitate to develop our nation to develop our indonesia.

   My friends from here we can take conclusion about foreign culture have positive and negative side. Because of that our socitys must can take something good from this culture and throw something bad. And therefore we need awerness together both government and societys to more do total comperhention , investmen, implementing about identy of our nation. In order to our original culture still tstand up be setinctive feature of indonesia an not easier to crush by foreign culture.
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